ILOG CPLEX 11.0 Getting Started > Tutorials > Callable Library Tutorial > Creating a Successful Callable Library Application > Test Your Application

After an application works correctly, it still may have errors or features that inhibit execution speed. To get the most out of your application, be sure to test its performance as well as its correctness. Again, the ILOG CPLEX Interactive Optimizer can help. Since the Interactive Optimizer uses the same routines as the Callable Library, it should take the same amount of time to solve a problem as a Callable Library application.

Use the CPXwriteprob routine with the SAV format to create a binary representation of the problem object, then read it in and solve it with the Interactive Optimizer. If the application sets optimization parameters, use the same settings with the Interactive Optimizer. If your application takes significantly longer than the Interactive Optimizer, performance within your application can probably be improved. In such a case, possible performance inhibitors include fragmentation of memory, unnecessary compiler and linker options, and coding approaches that slow the program without causing it to give incorrect results.