ILOG CPLEX 11.0 Getting Started > Introducing ILOG CPLEX > Related Documentation

In addition to this introductory manual, the standard distribution of ILOG CPLEX comes with the ILOG CPLEX User's Manual and the ILOG CPLEX Reference Manuals. All ILOG documentation is available online in hypertext mark-up language (HTML). It is delivered with the standard distribution of the product and accessible through conventional HTML browsers for customers on most platforms. For customers on Microsoft Windows, the documentation is available as Microsoft Compiled HTML (also known as CHM).

As you work with ILOG CPLEX on a long-term basis, you should read the complete User's Manual to learn how to design models and implement solutions to your own problems. Consult the reference manuals for authoritative documentation of the Component Libraries, their application programming interfaces (APIs), and the Interactive Optimizer.