ILOG CPLEX 11.0 Getting Started > Introducing ILOG CPLEX > What Is ILOG CPLEX? > Data Entry Options

ILOG CPLEX provides several options for entering your problem data. When using the Interactive Optimizer, most users will enter problem data from formatted files. ILOG CPLEX supports the industry-standard MPS (Mathematical Programming System) file format as well as CPLEX LP format, a row-oriented format many users may find more natural. Interactive entry (using CPLEX LP format) is also a possibility for small problems.

Data entry options are described briefly in this manual. File formats are documented in the reference manual ILOG CPLEX File Formats.

Concert Technology and Callable Library users may read problem data from the same kinds of files as in the Interactive Optimizer, or they may want to pass data directly into CPLEX to gain efficiency. These options are discussed in a series of examples that begin with Building and Solving a Small LP Model in C++, Building and Solving a Small LP Model in Java, and Building and Solving a Small LP Model in C for the CPLEX Callable Library users.