ILOG CPLEX 11.0 Getting Started > Tutorials > Interactive Optimizer Tutorial > Displaying a Problem > Specifying Item Ranges

For some options of the display command, you must specify the item or range of items you want to see. Whenever input defining a range of items is required, ILOG CPLEX expects two indices separated by a hyphen (the range character -). The indices can be names or matrix index numbers. You simply enter the starting name (or index number), a hyphen ( - ), and finally the ending name (or index number). ILOG CPLEX automatically sets the default upper and lower limits defining any range to be the highest and lowest possible values. Therefore, you have the option of leaving out either the upper or lower name (or index number) on either side of the hyphen. To see every possible item, you would simply enter -.

Another way to specify a range of items is to use a wildcard. ILOG CPLEX accepts these wildcards in place of the hyphen to specify a range of items:

For example, to specify all items, you could enter * (instead of -) if you want.

The sequence of characters c1? matches the name of every constraint in the range from c10 to c19, for example.