ILOG CPLEX 11.0 Getting Started > Tutorials > Interactive Optimizer Tutorial > Solving a Problem > Displaying Post-Solution Information

After an optimal solution is found, ILOG CPLEX can provide many different kinds of information for viewing and analyzing the results. This information is accessed via the display command and via some write commands.

Information about the following is available with the display solution command:

For information on the write commands, see Writing Problem and Solution Files . Sensitivity analysis can also be performed in analyzing results, as explained in Performing Sensitivity Analysis .

For example, to view the optimal value of each variable, enter the command:

display solution variables -

In response, the list of variable names with the solution value for each variable is displayed, like this:

Variable Name    Solution Value
x1                    40.000000
x2                    17.500000
x3                    42.500000

To view the slack values of each constraint, enter the command:

display solution slacks - 

The resulting message indicates that for this problem the slack variables are all zero.

All slacks in the range 1-2 are 0.

To view the dual values (sometimes called shadow prices) for each constraint, enter the command:

display solution dual - 

The list of constraint names with the solution value for each constraint appears, like this:

Constraint Name     Dual Price
c1                    2.750000
c2                    0.250000


Display solution characteristics by entering a command with the syntax:

display solution identifier