ILOG CPLEX 11.0 Getting Started > Tutorials > Interactive Optimizer Tutorial > Reading Problem Files > Selecting a Read File Format

When you type the read command in the Interactive Optimizer with the name of a file bearing an extension that it does not recognize, ILOG CPLEX displays the following prompt about file formats on the screen:

File type options:

bas          INSERT format basis file
flt          Solution pool filters
lp           LP format problem file
min          DIMACS min-cost network-flow format file
mps          MPS format problem file
mst          MIP start file
net          CPLEX network-flow format file
ord          Integer priority order file
prm          Non-default parameter file
sav          Binary matrix and basis file
sol          Solution file

File type:

All these file formats are documented in more detail in the reference manual ILOG CPLEX File Formats.