ILOG CPLEX 11.0 Getting Started > Tutorials > Interactive Optimizer Tutorial > Reading Problem Files > Reading MPS Files

ILOG CPLEX can also read industry-standard MPS formatted files. The problem called afiro.mps (provided in the ILOG CPLEX distribution) serves as an example. If you include the .mps extension in the file name, ILOG CPLEX will recognize the file as being in MPS format. If you omit the extension, ILOG CPLEX will attempt to detect whether the file is of a type that it recognizes.

read afiro mps 

After the file has been read, the following message appears:

Selected objective sense:  MINIMIZE
Selected objective  name:  obj
Selected RHS        name:  rhs
Problem `afiro' read.
Read time =    0.01 sec.

ILOG CPLEX reports additional information when it reads MPS formatted files. Since these files can contain multiple objective function, righthand side, bound, and other information, ILOG CPLEX displays which of these is being used for the current problem. See Working with MPS Files in the ILOG CPLEX User's Manual to learn more about special considerations for using MPS formatted files.