ILOG CPLEX 11.0 Getting Started > Tutorials > Interactive Optimizer Tutorial > Changing a Problem

The enter and add commands allow you to build a problem from the keyboard, but they do not allow you to change what you have built. You make changes with the change command.

The change command can be used for several different tasks:

Start out by changing the name of the constraint that you added with the add command. In order to see a list of change options, type:


The elements that can be changed are displayed like this:

Change options:

bounds      change bounds on a variable
coefficient change a coefficient
delete      delete some part of the problem
name        change a constraint or variable name
objective   change objective function value
problem     change problem type
qpterm      change a quadratic objective term
rhs         change a righthand side or network supply/demand value
sense       change objective function or a constraint sense
type        change variable type
values      change small values in the problem to zero

Change to make: