ILOG CPLEX 11.0 Getting Started > Tutorials > Interactive Optimizer Tutorial > Displaying a Problem

Now that you have entered a problem using ILOG CPLEX, you must verify that the problem was entered correctly. To do so, use the display command. At the CPLEX> prompt type:


A list of the items that can be displayed then appears. Some of the options display parts of the problem description, while others display parts of the problem solution. Options about the problem solution are not available until after the problem has been solved. The list looks like this:

Display Options:

conflict    display conflict that demonstrates model infeasibility
problem     display problem characteristics
sensitivity display sensitivity analysis
settings    display parameter settings
solution    display existing solution

Display what:

If you type problem in reply to that prompt, that option will list a set of problem characteristics, like this:

Display Problem Options:

all             display entire problem
binaries        display binary variables
bounds          display a set of bounds
constraints     display a set of constraints or node supply/demand values
generals        display general integer variables
histogram       display a histogram of row or column counts
indicators      display a set of indicator constraints
integers        display integer variables
names           display names of variables or constraints
qpvariables     display quadratic variables
qconstraints    display quadratic constraints
semi-continuous display semi-continuous and semi-integer variables
sos             display special ordered sets
stats           display problem statistics
variable        display a column of the constraint matrix

Display which problem characteristic:

Enter the option all to display the entire problem.

 obj: x1 + 2 x2 + 3 x3
Subject To
 c1: - x1 +   x2 +   x3 <= 20
 c2:  x1 - 3 x2 +   x3 <= 30
 0 <= x1 <= 40
All other variables are >= 0.

The default names obj, c1, c2, are provided by ILOG CPLEX.

If that is what you want, you are ready to solve the problem. If there is a mistake, you must use the change command to modify the problem. The change command is documented in Changing a Problem .


Display problem characteristics by entering the command:

display problem