Class IloCplex.BasisStatus

  extended byilog.cplex.IloCplex.BasisStatus
Enclosing class:

public static class IloCplex.BasisStatus
extends java.lang.Object

Enumeration of possible basis status codes. A basis captures the essence of a solution of the simplex algorithm and can be used, among other things, to warm start an optimization with the simplex algorithm. The class IloCplex.BasisStatus distinguishes three nonbasic statuses and one basic status for the variables (columns) and constraints (rows) of an LP or QP.

Field Summary
static IloCplex.BasisStatus AtLower
          This status reports that the variable or slack corresponding to a constraint is nonbasic and at its bound.
static IloCplex.BasisStatus AtUpper
          This status reports that the variable or slack corresponding to a constraint is nonbasic, and at its upper bound.
static IloCplex.BasisStatus Basic
          This status reports that the variable or slack corresponding to a constraint is basic.
static IloCplex.BasisStatus FreeOrSuperbasic
          This status reports that the variable is nonbasic, but not at a bound.
static IloCplex.BasisStatus NotABasicStatus
          This status represents an illegal basis status.
Method Summary
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
          This method can be use to test whether two basis statuses are equal.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Transforms the status into a human readable string.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final IloCplex.BasisStatus NotABasicStatus
This status represents an illegal basis status. No valid basis may contain such a status.


public static final IloCplex.BasisStatus AtLower
This status reports that the variable or slack corresponding to a constraint is nonbasic and at its bound. In cases where the variable has both finite upper and lower bounds, this status means that the variable is set to its lower bound.


public static final IloCplex.BasisStatus Basic
This status reports that the variable or slack corresponding to a constraint is basic.


public static final IloCplex.BasisStatus AtUpper
This status reports that the variable or slack corresponding to a constraint is nonbasic, and at its upper bound.


public static final IloCplex.BasisStatus FreeOrSuperbasic
This status reports that the variable is nonbasic, but not at a bound. Either the variable is free and set to 0 or it is set to a specific value as a super-basic variable.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String toString()
Transforms the status into a human readable string.


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
This method can be use to test whether two basis statuses are equal.