ILOG CPLEX 11.0 User's Manual > Continuous Optimization > Solving Problems with a Quadratic Objective (QP) > Entering QPs > Algebraic View

In the algebraic view, a quadratic objective function is specified as an expressions of the form:

c1*x1 + ... + cn*xn + q11*x1*x1 + q12*x1*x2 + ... + qnn*xn*xn.

This view is supported by the LP format, when entering quadratic objective functions in the Interactive Optimizer, and by Concert Technology. Again, a quadratic objective function must be convex in the case of a minimization problem, or concave in the case of a maximization problem. When entering a quadratic objective with the algebraic view, neither symmetry considerations nor any implicit factors need to be considered, and indeed attempting to specify both of the off-diagonal elements for one of the quadratic terms may result in double the intended value of the coefficient.