ILOG CPLEX 11.0 User's Manual > Programming Considerations > Tuning Tool > Meet the Tuning Tool > If ILOG CPLEX Solves Your Problem to Optimality

If ILOG CPLEX solves your problem to optimality, you may still want to apply the tuning tool to discover whether you can solve the model faster. In such a case, bear in mind that the tuning tool performs several optimization runs as it goes about its work. These optimization runs may take six to eight times longer than the default run that produced your optimal results. If that projected time (six to eight times longer than the initial default run) seems too long for your purpose, then consider setting a general time limit by means of the parameter TiLim, CPX_PARAM_TILIM or consider setting a specific tuning time limit per problem, per optimization, by means of the parameter TuningTiLim, CPX_PARAM_TUNINGTILIM. Example: Time Limits on Tuning in the Interactive Optimizer illustrates this approach through time limits more fully.