ILOG CPLEX 11.0 User's Manual > Discrete Optimization > Logical Constraints in Optimization > What Can Be Extracted from a Model with Logical Constraints? > Logical Constraints in the C++ API

In C++ applications, the class IloCplex can extract modeling objects to solve a wide variety of MIPs, as you see in Solving the Model, summarized in Table 1.1. In fact, the C++ class IloCplex can extract logical constraints as well as some logical expressions. The logical constraints that IloCplex can extract are these:

Among those extractable objects, IloAnd IloOr, IloNot, and IloDiff can also be represented in your application by means of the overloaded C++ operators:

All those extractable objects accept as their arguments other linear constraints or logical constraints, so you can combine linear constraints with logical constraints in complicated expressions in your application.

For example, to express the idea that two jobs with starting times x1 and x2 and with duration d1 and d2 must not overlap, you can either use overloaded C++ operators, like this:

model.add((x1 >= x2 + d2) || (x2 >= x1 + d1));

or you can express the same idea, like this:

IloOr or(env)
or.add(x1 >= x2 + d2);
or.add(x2 >= x1 + d1);

Since IloCplex can also extract logical constraints embedded in other logical constraints, you can also write logical constraints like this:

IloIfThen(env, (x >= y && x >= z), IloNot(x <= 300 || y >= 700))

where x, y, and z are variables in your application.