Example ilolpex6.cpp

The example, ilolpex6.c, resembles one you may have studied in the manual Getting Started with ILOG CPLEX, ilolpex1.c. This example differs from that earlier one in these ways:

The main program starts by declaring the environment and terminates by calling method end() for the environment. The code in between is encapsulated in a try block that catches all Concert Technology exceptions and prints them to the C++ error stream cerr. All other exceptions are caught as well, and a simple error message is issued. Next the model object and the cplex object are constructed. The function populatebycolumn() builds the problem object and, as we noted earlier, cplex.getStatuses() copies the advanced starting basis.

Complete Program

The complete program, ilolpex6.cpp, appears here or online in the standard distribution

#include <ilcplex/ilocplex.h>

static void
   populatebycolumn (IloModel model, IloNumVarArray var, IloRangeArray rng);

main (int argc, char **argv)
   IloEnv   env;
   try {
      IloModel model(env, "example");

      IloNumVarArray var(env);
      IloRangeArray  rng(env);
      populatebycolumn (model, var, rng);

      IloCplex cplex(model);

      IloCplex::BasisStatusArray cstat(env), rstat(env);
      cplex.setStatuses(cstat, var, rstat, rng);

      cplex.out() << "Solution status = " << cplex.getStatus() << endl;
      cplex.out() << "Solution value  = " << cplex.getObjValue() << endl;
      cplex.out() << "Iteration count = " << cplex.getNiterations() << endl;

      IloNumArray vals(env);
      cplex.getValues(vals, var);
      env.out() << "Values        = " << vals << endl;
      cplex.getSlacks(vals, rng);
      env.out() << "Slacks        = " << vals << endl;
      cplex.getDuals(vals, rng);
      env.out() << "Duals         = " << vals << endl;
      cplex.getReducedCosts(vals, var);
      env.out() << "Reduced Costs = " << vals << endl;

   catch (IloException& e) {
      cerr << "Concert exception caught: " << e << endl;
   catch (...) {
      cerr << "Unknown exception caught" << endl;

   return 0;
}  // END main

static void
populatebycolumn (IloModel model, IloNumVarArray x, IloRangeArray c)
   IloEnv env = model.getEnv();

   IloObjective obj = IloMaximize(env);
   c.add(IloRange(env, -IloInfinity, 20.0));
   c.add(IloRange(env, -IloInfinity, 30.0));

   x.add(IloNumVar(obj(1.0) + c[0](-1.0) + c[1]( 1.0), 35.0, 40.0));
   x.add(obj(2.0) + c[0]( 1.0) + c[1](-3.0));
   x.add(obj(3.0) + c[0]( 1.0) + c[1]( 1.0));


}  // END populatebycolumn

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