MATLAB Application Program Interface Reference Help Desk



Reads mxArrays from MAT-files

Fortran Syntax



Pointer to MAT-file information.


Name of mxArray to get from MAT-file.


This routine allows you to copy an mxArray out of a MAT-file.

matGetMatrix reads the named mxArray from the MAT-file pointed to by mfp and returns a pointer to a newly allocated mxArray structure, or 0 if the attempt fails.

Be careful in your code to free the mxArray created by this routine when you are finished with it.


Write a simple 3-by-2 real mxArray into a MAT-file. Name the mxArray A and the MAT-file foo.mat.

To test, run this program; then go to MATLAB and enter:

See matdemo1.f in the eng_mat subdirectory of the examples directory for another sample program that illustrates how to use this MAT-file routine in a Fortran program.

Note: Fortran MAT-file routines are not available on Windows.

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