MATLAB Application Program Interface Reference Help Desk



Get the pointer to an mxArray in the caller's workspace

Fortran Syntax


A pointer to an mxArray owned by MATLAB.



Name of mxArray to get from caller's workspace.


mexGetMatrixPtr returns a pointer to the mxArray with the specified name in the workspace local to the calling function. It allows you to read or modify variables in the MATLAB workspace directly from a MEX-file.

Do not free or reallocate the memory associated with any part of an mxArray obtained with the mexGetMatrixPtr function, including the real part, imaginary part, and sparse structure. mxArrays obtained with this function are managed by MATLAB's own internal mechanisms and MATLAB will crash immediately if you change them.

mexGetMatrixPtr is meant to be used to read values from an mxArray in the workspace or to change those values, provided the mxArray remains the same size, complexity, and sparsity.

To get the pointer of a global variable that is not defined as global by the calling function, first declare it global with a call of the form
mexEvalString("global varname").

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