MATLAB Application Program Interface Reference Help Desk



Set the number of rows

Fortran Syntax



The desired number of rows.


Pointer to an mxArray.


Call mxSetM to set the number of rows in the specified mxArray. Call mxSetN to set the number of columns.

You typically use mxSetM to change the shape of an existing mxArray. Note that mxSetM does not allocate or deallocate any space for the pr, pi, ir, or jc arrays. Consequently, if your calls to mxSetM and mxSetN increase the number of elements in the mxArray, then you must enlarge the pr, pi, ir, and/or jc arrays.

If your calls to mxSetM and mxSetN end up reducing the number of elements in the array, then you can optionally reduce the sizes of the pr, pi, ir, and/or jc arrays in order to use heap space more efficiently.

See Also

mxGetM, mxGetN, mxSetN

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