MATLAB Application Program Interface Reference Help Desk



Copy a string mxArray's data into a C-style string

C Syntax



Pointer to a string mxArray; that is, a pointer to an mxArray having the mxCHAR_CLASS class.


The starting location into which the string should be written. mxGetString writes the string data into buf and then terminates the string with a NULL character (in the manner of C strings). Although buf is traditionally stored in dynamic memory, buf could be put into static memory instead.


Maximum number of characters to read into buf. Typically, you set buflen to 1 plus the number of elements in the string mxArray to which array_ptr points. (See the mxGetM and mxGetN reference pages to find out how to get the number of elements.)


0 on success, and 1 on failure. Possible reasons for failure include


Call mxGetString to copy the string data of a string mxArray into a C-style string. The copied C-style string starts at buf and contains no more than buflen-1 characters.

If the string array contains several rows, they are copied, one column at a time, into one long string array.


Use mxGetString to convert the data from a string array into a C string named buf:

For an additional example, see mxGetString.c in the mx subdirectory of the examples directory.

See Also

mxCreateCharArray, mxCreateCharMatrixFromStrings, mxCreateString

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