MATLAB Functions Help Desk



Write NeXT/SUN (.au) sound file



auwrite supports multi-channel data for 8-bit mu-law, and 8- and 16-bit linear formats.

auwrite(y,aufile) writes a sound file specified by the string aufile. The data should be arranged with one channel per column. Amplitude values outside the range [-1,+1] are clipped prior to writing.

auwrite(y,Fs,aufile) specifies the sample rate of the data in Hertz.

auwrite(y,Fs,N,aufile) selects the number of bits in the encoder. Allowable settings are N = 8 and N = 16.

auwrite(y,Fs,N,method,aufile) allows selection of the encoding method, which can be either 'mu' or 'linear'. Note that mu-law files must be 8-bit. By default, method='mu'.

See Also

auread      Read NeXT/SUN (.au) sound file

wavwrite    Write Microsoft WAVE (.wav) sound file

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