MATLAB Functions Help Desk



Clear breakpoints


    dbclear if keyword
    where keyword is one of:






The at, in, and if keywords, familiar to users of the UNIX debugger dbx, are optional.

dbclear, by itself, clears the breakpoint(s) set by a corresponding dbstop command.

dbclear at lineno in function clears the breakpoint set at the specified line in the specified M-file. function must be the name of an M-file function or a MATLABPATH relative partial pathname.

dbclear all in function clears all breakpoints in the specified M-file.

dbclear all clears all breakpoints in all M-file functions, except for errors and warning breakpoints.

dbclear in function clears the breakpoint set at the first executable line in the specified M-file.

dbclear if keyword clears the indicated statement or breakpoint:

dbclear if error

Clears the dbstop error statement, if set. If a runtime error occurs after this command, MATLAB terminates the current operation and returns to the base workspace.

dbclear if naninf

Clears the dbstop naninf statement, if set.

dbclear if infnan

Clears the dbstop infnan statement, if set.

dbclear if warning

Clears warning breakpoints.

See Also

dbcont      Resume execution

dbdown      Change local workspace context (down)

dbquit      Quit debug mode

dbstack     Display function call stack

dbstatus    List all breakpoints

dbstep      Execute one or more lines from a breakpoint

dbstop      Set breakpoints in an M-file function

dbtype      List M-file with line numbers

dbup        Change local workspace context (up)

See also partialpath.

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