MATLAB Functions Help Desk



Echo M-files during execution



The echo command controls the echoing of M-files during execution. Normally, the commands in M-files do not display on the screen during execution. Command echoing is useful for debugging or for demonstrations, allowing the commands to be viewed as they execute.

The echo command behaves in a slightly different manner for script files and function files. For script files, the use of echo is simple; echoing can be either on or off, in which case any script used is affected:

echo on

Turns on the echoing of commands in all script files.

echo off

Turns off the echoing of commands in all script files.


Toggles the echo state.

With function files, the use of echo is more complicated. If echo is enabled on a function file, the file is interpreted, rather than compiled. Each input line is then displayed as it is executed. Since this results in inefficient execution, use echo only for debugging.

echo fcnname on

Turns on echoing of the named function file.

echo fcnname off

Turns off echoing of the named function file.

echo fcnname

Toggles the echo state of the named function file.

echo on all

Set echoing on for all function files.

echo off all

Set echoing off for all function files.

See Also


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