MATLAB Functions Help Desk



Plot error bars along a curve



Error bars show the confidence level of data or the deviation along a curve.

errorbar(Y,E) plots Y and draws an error bar at each element of Y. The error bar is a distance of E(i) above and below the curve so that each bar is symmetric and 2*E(i) long.

errorbar(X,Y,E) plots X versus Y with symmetric error bars 2*E(i) long. X, Y, E must be the same size. When they are vectors, each error bar is a distance of E(i) above and below the point defined by (X(i),Y(i)). When they are matrices, each error bar is a distance of E(i,j) above and below the point defined by (X(i,j),Y(i,j)).

errorbar(X,Y,L,U) plots X versus Y with error bars L(i)+U(i) long specifying the lower and upper error bars. X, Y, L, and U must be the same size. When they are vectors, each error bar is a distance of L(i) below and U(i) above the point defined by (X(i),Y(i)). When they are matrices, each error bar is a distance of L(i,j) below and U(i,j) above the point defined by (X(i,j),Y(i,j)).

errorbar(...,LineSpec) draws the error bars using the line type, marker symbol, and color specified by LineSpec.

h = errorbar(...) returns a vector of handles to Line graphics objects.


When the arguments are all matrices, errorbar draws one line per matrix column. If X and Y are vectors, they specify one curve.


Draw symmetric error bars that are two standard deviation units in length:

See Also

LineSpec, plot

The std function in the online MATLAB Function Reference for more informatoin.

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