MATLAB Functions Help Desk



Query MATLAB about errors in file input or output



message = ferror(fid) returns the error message message. Argument fid is a file identifier associated with an open file (See fopen for a complete description).

message = ferror(fid,'clear') clears the error indicator for the specified file.

[message,errnum] = ferror(...) returns the error status number errnum of the most recent file I/O operation associated with the specified file.

If the most recent I/O operation performed on the specified file was successful, the value of message is empty and ferror returns an errnum value of 0.

A nonzero errnum indicates that an error occurred in the most recent file I/O operation. The value of message is a string that may contain information about the nature of the error. If the message is not helpful, consult the C runtime library manual for your host operating system for further details.

See Also

fclose      Close one or more open files

fopen       Open a file or obtain information about open files

fprintf     Write formatted data to file

fread       Read binary data from file

fscanf      Read formatted data from file

fseek       Set file position indicator

ftell       Get file position indicator

fwrite      Write binary data from a MATLAB matrix to a file

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