MATLAB Functions Help Desk



Two-dimensional fast Fourier transform



Y = fft2(X) performs the two-dimensional FFT. The result Y is the same size as X.

Y = fft2(X,m,n) truncates X, or pads X with zeros to create an m-by-n array before doing the transform. The result is m-by-n.


fft2(X) can be simply computed as

This computes the one-dimensional FFT of each column X, then of each row of the result. The time required to compute fft2(X) depends strongly on the number of prime factors in [m,n] = size(X). It is fastest when m and n are powers of 2.

See Also

fft         One-dimensional fast Fourier transform

fftshift    Rearrange the outputs of fft and fft2

ifft2       Inverse two-dimensional fast Fourier transform

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