MATLAB Functions Help Desk



MATLAB startup M-file



At startup time, MATLAB automatically executes the master M-file matlabrc.m and, if it exists, startup.m. On multiuser or networked systems, matlabrc.m is reserved for use by the system manager. The file matlabrc.m invokes the file startup.m if it exists on MATLAB's search path.

As an individual user, you can create a startup file in your own MATLAB directory. Use these files to define physical constants, engineering conversion factors, graphics defaults, or anything else you want predefined in your workspace.


Only matlabrc is actually invoked by MATLAB at startup. However, matlabrc.m contains the statements:

that invoke startup.m. Extend this process to create additional startup
M-files, if required.

See Also

!           Operating system command

exist       Check if a variable or file exists

path        Control MATLAB's directory search path

quit        Terminate MATLAB

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