MATLAB Functions Help Desk



Create matrix for movie frames



moviein allocates an appropriately sized matrix for the getframe function.

M = moviein(n) creates matrix M having n columns to store n frames of a movie based on the size of the current Axes.

M = moviein(n,h) specifies a handle for a valid Figure or Axes graphics object on which to base the memory requirement.

M = moviein(n,h,rect) specifies the rectangular area from which to copy the bitmap, relative to the lower-left corner of the Figure or Axes graphics object identified by h.
rect = [left bottom width height], where left and bottom specify the lower-left corner of the rectangle, and width and height specify the dimensions of the rectangle. Components of rect are in pixel units.


Use moviein to allocate a matrix for the movie frames and getframe to create the movie:

See Also

getframe, movie

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