MATLAB Functions Help Desk



Apply function to nonzero sparse matrix elements



The spfun function selectively applies a function to only the nonzero elements of a sparse matrix, preserving the sparsity pattern of the original matrix (except for underflow).

f = spfun('function',S) evaluates function(S) on the nonzero elements of S. function must be the name of a function, usually defined in an M-file, which can accept a matrix argument, S, and evaluate the function at each element of S.


Functions that operate element-by-element, like those in the elfun directory, are the most appropriate functions to use with spfun.


Given the 4-by-4 sparse diagonal matrix

f = spfun('exp',S) has the same sparsity pattern as S:

whereas exp(S) has 1s where S has 0s.

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