MATLAB Functions Help Desk



Visualize sparsity pattern



spy(S) plots the sparsity pattern of any matrix S.

spy(S,marksize), where markersize is an integer, plots the sparsity pattern using markers of the specified point size.

spy(S,'LineSpec'), where LineSpec is a string, uses the specified plot marker type and color.

spy(S,'LineSpec',markersize) uses the specified type, color, and size for the plot markers.

S is usually a sparse matrix, but full matrices are acceptable, in which case the locations of the nonzero elements are plotted.

spy replaces format +, which takes much more space to display essentially the same information.

See Also

The gplot and LineSpec reference entries in the MATLAB Graphics Guide, and:

find        Find indices and values of nonzero elements

symmmd      Sparse symmetric minimum degree ordering

symrcm      Sparse reverse Cuthill-McKee ordering

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