MATLAB Functions
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Matrix Functions - Numerical Linear Algebra

Matrix Analysis
cond Condition number with respect to inversion
condeig Condition number with respect to eigenvalues
det Matrix determinant
norm Vector and matrix norms
null Null space of a matrix
orth Range space of a matrix
rank Rank of a matrix
rcond Matrix reciprocal condition number estimate
rref, rrefmovie rref, rrefmovie
subspace Angle between two subspaces
trace Sum of diagonal elements

Linear Equations
\ / Linear equation solution
chol Cholesky factorization
inv Matrix inverse
lscov Least squares solution in the presence of known covariance
lu LU matrix factorization
nnls Nonnegative least squares
pinv Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of a matrix
qr Orthogonal-triangular decomposition

Eigenvalues and Singular Values
balance Improve accuracy of computed eigenvalues
cdf2rdf Convert complex diagonal form to real block diagonal form
eig Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
hess Hessenberg form of a matrix
poly Polynomial with specified roots
qz QZ factorization for generalized eigenvalues
rsf2csf Convert real Schur form to complex Schur form
schur Schur decomposition
svd Singular value decomposition

Matrix Functions
expm Matrix exponential
funm Evaluate functions of a matrix
logm Matrix logarithm
sqrtm Matrix square root

Low Level Functions
qrdelete Delete column from QR factorization
qrinsert Insert column in QR factorization