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Data Analysis and Fourier Transform Functions

Basic Operations
convhull Convex hull
cumprod Cumulative product
cumsum Cumulative sum
cumtrapz Cumulative trapezoidal numerical integration
delaunay Delaunay triangulation
dsearch Search for nearest point
factor Prime factors
inpolygon Detect points inside a polygonal region
max Maximum elements of an array
mean Average or mean value of arrays
median Median value of arrays
min Minimum elements of an array
perms All possible permutations
polyarea Area of polygon
primes Generate list of prime numbers
prod Product of array elements
sort Sort elements in ascending order
sortrows Sort rows in ascending order
std Standard deviation
sum Sum of array elements
trapz Trapezoidal numerical integration
tsearch Search for enclosing Delaunay triangle
voronoi Voronoi diagram

Finite Differences
del2 Discrete Laplacian
diff Differences and approximate derivatives
gradient Numerical gradient

corrcoef Correlation coefficients
cov Covariance matrix

Filtering and Convolution
conv Convolution and polynomial multiplication
conv2 Two-dimensional convolution
deconv Deconvolution and polynomial division
filter Filter data with an infinite impulse response (IIR) or finite impulse response
filter2 Two-dimensional digital filtering

Fourier Transforms
abs Absolute value and complex magnitude
angle Phase angle
cplxpair Sort complex numbers into complex conjugate pairs
fft One-dimensional fast Fourier transform
fft2 Two-dimensional fast Fourier transform
fftshift Move zero'th lag to center of spectrum.
ifft Inverse one-dimensional fast Fourier transform
ifft2 Inverse two-dimensional fast Fourier transform
nextpow2 Next power of two
unwrap Correct phase angles

Vector Functions
cross Vector cross product
intersect Set intersection of two vectors
ismember Detect members of a set
setdiff Return the set difference of two vectors
setxor Set exclusive-or of two vectors
union Set union of two vectors
unique Unique elements of a vector