MATLAB Functions
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Polynomial and Interpolation Functions

conv Convolution and polynomial multiplication
deconv Deconvolution and polynomial division
poly Polynomial with specified roots
polyder Polynomial derivative
polyeig Polynomial eigenvalue problem
polyfit Polynomial curve fitting
polyval Polynomial evaluation
polyvalm Matrix polynomial evaluation
residue Convert between partial fraction expansion and polynomial coefficients
roots Polynomial roots

Data Interpolation
griddata Data gridding
interp1 One-dimensional data interpolation (table lookup)
interp2 Two-dimensional data interpolation (table lookup)
interp3 Three-dimensional data interpolation (table lookup)
interpft One-dimensional interpolation using the FFT method
interpn Multidimensional data interpolation (table lookup)
meshgrid Generate X and Y matrices for three-dimensional plots
ndgrid Generate arrays for multidimensional functions and interpolation
spline Cubic spline interpolation