MATLAB Functions
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Character String Functions

abs Absolute value and complex magnitude
eval Interpret strings containing MATLAB expressions
real Real part of complex number
strings MATLAB string handling

String Manipulation
deblank Strip trailing blanks from the end of a string
findstr Find one string within another
lower Convert string to lower case
strcat String concatenation
strcmp Compare strings
strjust Justify a character array
strmatch Find possible matches for a string
strncmp Compare the first n characters of two strings
strrep String search and replace
strtok First token in string
strvcat Vertical concatenation of strings
upper Convert string to upper case

String to Number Conversion
char Create character array (string)
int2str Integer to string conversion
mat2str Convert a matrix into a string
num2str Number to string conversion
sprintf Write formatted data to a string
sscanf Read string under format control
str2num String to number conversion

Radix Conversion
bin2dec Binary to decimal number conversion
dec2bin Decimal to binary number conversion
dec2hex Decimal to hexadecimal number conversion
hex2dec IEEE hexadecimal to decimal number conversion
hex2num Hexadecimal to double number conversion