MATLAB Functions
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Low-Level File I/O Functions

File Opening and Closing
fclose Close one or more open files
fopen Open a file or obtain information about open files

Unformatted I/O
fread Read binary data from file
fwrite Write binary data to a file

Formatted I/O
fgetl Return the next line of a file as a string without line terminator(s)
fgets Return the next line of a file as a string with line terminator(s)
fprintf Write formatted data to file
fscanf Read formatted data from file

File Positioning
feof Test for end-of-file
ferror Query MATLAB about errors in file input or output
frewind Rewind an open file
fseek Set file position indicator
ftell Get file position indicator

String Conversion
sprintf Write formatted data to a string
sscanf Read string under format control

Specialized File I/O
dlmread Read an ASCII delimited file into a matrix
dlmwrite Write a matrix to an ASCII delimited file
imfinfo Return information about a graphics file
imread Read image from graphics file
imwrite Write an image to a graphics file
wk1read Read a Lotus123 WK1 spreadsheet file into a matrix
wk1write Write a matrix to a Lotus123 WK1 spreadsheet file