MATLAB Functions
Commands by Subject
Help Desk

Language Constructs and Debugging

MATLAB as a Programming Language
builtin Execute builtin function from overloaded method
eval Interpret strings containing MATLAB expressions
feval Function evaluation
function Function M-files
global Define global variables
nargchk Check number of input arguments
script Script M-files

Control Flow
break Break out of flow control structures
case Case switch
else Conditionally execute statements
elseif Conditionally execute statements
end Terminate for, while, switch, and if statements or indicate last index
error Display error messages
for Repeat statements a specific number of times
if Conditionally execute statements
otherwise Default part of switch statement
return Return to the invoking function
switch Switch among several cases based on expression
warning Display warning message
while Repeat statements an indefinite number of times

Interactive Input
input Request user input
keyboard Invoke the keyboard in an M-file
menu Generate a menu of choices for user input
pause Halt execution temporarily

Object-Oriented Programming
class Create object or return class of object
double Convert to double precision
inferiorto Inferior class relationship
inline Construct an inline object
isa Detect an object of a given class
superiorto Superior class relationship
uint8 Convert to unsigned 8-bit integer

dbclear Clear breakpoints
dbcont Resume execution
dbdown Change local workspace context
dbmex Enable MEX-file debugging
dbquit Quit debug mode
dbstack Display function call stack
dbstatus List all breakpoints
dbstep Execute one or more lines from a breakpoint
dbstop Set breakpoints in an M-file function
dbtype List M-file with line numbers
dbup Change local workspace context