MATLAB Functions Help Desk



Jacobi elliptic functions



The Jacobi elliptic functions are defined in terms of the integral:


Some definitions of the elliptic functions use the modulus k instead of the parameter m. They are related by


The Jacobi elliptic functions obey many mathematical identities; for a good sample, see [1].


[SN,CN,DN] = ellipj(U,M) returns the Jacobi elliptic functions SN, CN, and DN, evaluated for corresponding elements of argument U and parameter M. Inputs U and M must be the same size (or either can be scalar).

[SN,CN,DN] = ellipj(U,M,tol) computes the Jacobi elliptic functions to accuracy tol. The default is eps; increase this for a less accurate but more quickly computed answer.


ellipj computes the Jacobi elliptic functions using the method of the arithmetic-geometric mean [1]. It starts with the triplet of numbers:

ellipj computes successive iterates with


Next, it calculates the amplitudes in radians using


being careful to unwrap the phases correctly. The Jacobian elliptic functions are then simply



The ellipj function is limited to the input domain . Map other values of M into this range using the transformations described in [1], equations 16.10 and 16.11. U is limited to real values.

See Also

ellipke     Complete elliptic integrals of the first and second kind


[1] Abramowitz, M. and I.A. Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions, Dover Publications, 1965, 17.6.

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