MATLAB Functions Help Desk



Plot a function between specified limits



fplot plots a function between specified limits. The function must be of the form
y = f(x), where x is a vector whose range specifies the limits, and y is a vector the same size as x and contains the function's value at the points in x (see the first example). If the function returns more than one value for a given x, then y is a matrix whose columns contain each component of f(x) (see the second example).

fplot('function',limits) plots 'function' between the limits specified by limits. limits is a vector specifying the x-axis limits ([xmin xmax]), or the x- and y-axis limits, ([xmin xmax ymin ymax]).

fplot('function',limits,LineSpec) plots 'function' using the line specification LineSpec. 'function' is a name of a MATLAB M-file or a string containing the variable x.

fplot('function',limits,tol) plots 'function' using the relative error tolerance tol (default is 2e-3). The maximum number of x steps is (1/tol)+1.

fplot('function',limits,tol,LineSpec) plots 'function' using the relative error tolerance tol and a line specification that determines line type, marker symbol, and color.

[x,Y] = fplot(...) returns the abscissas and ordinates for 'function' in x and Y. No plot is drawn on the screen. You plot the function using plot(x,Y).


fplot uses adaptive step control to produce a representative graph, concentrating its evaluation in regions where the function's rate of change is the greatest.


See Also

The eval and feval functions in the online MATLAB Function Reference.

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