MATLAB Functions Help Desk

nargin, nargout


Number of function arguments



In the body of a function M-file, nargin and nargout indicate how many input or output arguments, respectively, a user has supplied. Outside the body of a function M-file, nargin and nargout indicate the number of input or output arguments, respectively, for a given function. The number of arguments is negative if the function has a variable number of arguments.

nargin returns the number of input arguments specified for a function.

nargin('fun') returns the number of declared inputs for the M-file function fun or -1 if the function has a variable of input arguments.

nargout returns the number of output arguments specified for a function.

nargout('fun') returns the number of declared outputs for the M-file function fun.


This example shows portions of the code for a function called myplot, which accepts an optional number of input and output arguments:

See Also

inputname   Input argument name

nargchk      Check number of input arguments

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