MATLAB Functions Help Desk



Sparse symmetric random matrix



R = sprandsym(S) returns a symmetric random matrix whose lower triangle and diagonal have the same structure as S. Its elements are normally distributed, with mean 0 and variance 1.

R = sprandsym(n,density) returns a symmetric random, n-by-n, sparse matrix with approximately density*n*n nonzeros; each entry is the sum of one or more normally distributed random samples, and (0 density 1).

R = sprandsym(n,density,rc) returns a matrix with a reciprocal condition number equal to rc. The distribution of entries is nonuniform; it is roughly symmetric about 0; all are in .

If rc is a vector of length n, then R has eigenvalues rc. Thus, if rc is a positive (nonnegative) vector then R is a positive definite matrix. In either case, R is generated by random Jacobi rotations applied to a diagonal matrix with the given eigenvalues or condition number. It has a great deal of topological and algebraic structure.

R = sprandsym(n,density,rc,kind) returns a positive definite matrix. Argument kind can be:

See Also

sprand      Sparse uniformly distributed random matrix

sprandn     Sparse normally distributed random matrix

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