electricity market

Oferta òptima multi–mercat al Mercat Ibèric d'Electricitat.

Publication TypeTesis de Grau i Màster // BSc and MSc Thesis
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsEva Romero i Beneyto
DirectorF.-Javier Heredia
Tipus de tesiTesi Final de Màster // MSc Thesis
TitulacióMàster en Enginyeria Matemàtica
CentreFacultat de Matemàtiques i Estadística, UPC
Data defensa04/03/2009
Nota // mark9 (over 10) E
Key Wordsteaching; MEM; electricity market; multimarket; optimal offer; stochastic programming; MSc Thesis
AbstractEl present projecte analitza, estudia i desenvolupa diversos models multi - mercat estocàstics per al Mercat Ibèric d'Electricitat. A partir de l'artcile "Multimarket Optimal Bidding for a Power Producer" de Plazas et al, s'analitzen i es proposen diverses possibles millores: incorporació de costos quadràtics de generació i una nova definició de funció d'oferta. Aquestes millores es desenvolupen donant lloc un nou model competitiu amb l'anterior. Tenint en compte el reglament de MIBEL, i com a millora al primer proposat, finalment es desenvolupa un tercer model multi – oferta que contempla la definició de la funció d'oferta de forma esglaonada. Els resultats obtinguts mostren com la consideració de la determinació dels graons dins la pròpia modelització és rellevant respecte les funcions d'oferta obtingudes.
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Optimal multimarket bid



Pla de treball:

  1. Estudiar normativa mercat reserva (P.O. 7.2)
  2. (CC) Modelització mercat de reserva: variables aleatòries rellevants-> arbres.
  3. (JH) Pensar com afecta secundària a l'oferta el mercat diari.

A decision support procedure for the short-term scheduling problem of a Generation Company operating on Day-Ahead and Physical Derivatives Electricity Markets

Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsVespucci, M.T.; Corchero, C.; Innorta, M.; Heredia, F.-Javier
Conference Name43rd Euro Working Group on Financial Modelling Meeting
Conference Date4-5/09/2008
PublisherEuro Working Group on Financial Modelling
Conference LocationCass Business School, City University, London
Type of WorkInvited oral presentation
Key Wordsresearch; electricity markets; day-ahead; futures contracts; hydro-thermal
AbstractIn this paper we develop a decision support procedure for a Price-Taker producer operating on Day- Ahead and Physical Derivatives Electricity Markets. The management of the electricity generation companies and their operation in the liberalized electricity market on a short-term horizon is an interesting problem in continuous evolution. Specifically, the incorporation of the Electricity Derivatives Market is the natural improvement in the Electricity Day-Ahead Markets in most countries in the world. Therefore, the inclusion of the management of derivatives products in generation company models is also a natural improvement of them. In this work, the derivatives products studied are the futures contracts.
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A Short-term Scheduling Model for a Generation Company operating on Day-Ahead and Physical Derivatives Electricity Markets

Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsVespucci, M.T.; Corchero, C.; Heredia, F.-Javier; Innorta, M.
Conference NameThird FIMA International Conference
Conference Date19-22/01/2009
Conference LocationGressoney Saint Jean, Italy.
EditorFederazione Italiana di Matematica Applicata
Type of WorkInvited oral presentation
Key Wordsresearch; electricity markets; futures contracts; hydro-thermal
AbstractA decision support procedure is developed for the short-term hydro-thermal resource scheduling problem of a Generation Company operating in the liberalized electric energy market and aiming at profit maximization. The generation company is supposed to be a price-taker, i.e. without influence on the electricity market price: therefore the profit maximization model of the problem faced by the GenCo must take into account both technical problems of generation and uncertainty of electricity prices. The power producer may hedge against the significant risk factor represented by energy market-price by participating in the Derivatives electricity Market. The derivatives products considered in this work are the futures contracts. T
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Beca FPI-MICINN de doctorado en Mercados Eléctricos


El Grupo de Optimitzación Numérica y Modelización (GNOM) del Departament d'Estadística I Investigació Operativa de la Universidad Poltécnica de Catalunya, dispone de una Beca de Formación de Personal Investigador (FPI) del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, para la realización de una tesis doctoral dentro de un proyecto de investigación sobre Optimización de  Mercados Eléctricos financiado por el Plan Nacional de I+D+i. La duración de la beca es de hasta cuatro años. 

Optimal Bidding Strategies for Thermal and Generic Programming Units in the Day-ahead Electricity Market

Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsHeredia, F.-Javier, Rider, Marcos.-J., Corchero, C.
ReferenceResearch report DR 2008/13, Dept. of Statistics and Operations Research. E-Prints UPC, http://hdl.handle.net/2117/2468. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Prepared forPublished on august 2010 at IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Key Wordsresearch; stochastic programming; electricity markets; day-ahead market, bilateral contracts; Virtual Power Plants; optimal bid
AbstractThis paper develops a stochastic programming model that integrates the day-ahead optimal bidding problem with the most recent regulation rules of the Iberian Electricity Market (MIBEL) for bilateral contracts, with a special consideration for the new mechanism to balance the competition of the production market, namely virtual power plants auctions (VPP). The model allows a price-taker generation company to decide the unit commitment of the thermal units, the economic dispatch of the bilateral contracts between the thermal units and the generic programming unit (GPU) and the optimal sale/purchase bids for all units (thermal and generic) observing the MIBEL regulation. The uncertainty of the spot prices is represented through scenario sets built from the most recent real data using scenario reduction techniques. The model was solved with real data from a Spanish generation company and spot prices, and the results are reported and analyzed.
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A decision support for a Price-Taker producer operating on Day-Ahead and Physical Derivatives Electricity Markets

Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsVespucci, M.T.; Corchero, C.; Innorta, M.; Heredia, F.-Javier
ReferenceWorking paper n12/MS-2008, Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione e Metodi Matematici, Università degli Studi di Bergamo
CityBergamo, Italy
Key Wordsresearch; stochastic programming; electricity markets; futures contracts; hydro-thermal
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