Cell suppression problem intances

This page contains MPS files for some of the instances of the Cell Suppression Problem used in the paper

D. Baena, J. Castro, A. Frangioni, Stabilized Benders methods for large-scale combinatorial optimization, with application to data privacy, Research Report DR 2017/03, Dept. of Statistics and Operations Research, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2017.

A description of the problem, and optimal (or near-optimal) objective functions for each instance can be obtained from the above paper.

MPS formats of the instances were generated with an AMPL model of the cell suppression problem. Due to AMPL memory limitations, only small real-world instances were generated (by now).

You can find the instances in the following .tgz file.

  • Small real-world instances: CSP-small-realworld-mps-instances.tgz