
public int CPXNETdelset(CPXCENVptr env, CPXNETptr net, int * whichnodes, int * whicharcs)
Definition file: cplex.h

The routine CPXNETdelset is used to delete a set of nodes and arcs from the network stored in a network problem object. The remaining nodes and arcs are renumbered starting at zero; their order is preserved.

Any solution information stored in the problem object is lost.


 status = CPXNETdelset (env, net, whichnodes, whicharcs);



A pointer to the CPLEX environment as returned by CPXopenCPLEX.


A pointer to a CPLEX network problem object as returned by CPXNETcreateprob.


Array of size at least CPXNETgetnumnodes that indicates the nodes to be deleted. If whichnodes[i] == 1, the node is deleted. For every node deleted, all arcs incident to it are deleted as well. After termination, whichnode[j] indicates either the position to which node with index j before deletion has been moved or, -1 if the node has been deleted. If NULL is passed, no nodes are deleted.


Array indicating the arc to be deleted. Every arc i in the network with whicharcs[i] == 1 is deleted. After termination, whicharc[j] indicates either the position to which arc with index j before deletion has been moved or, -1 if the arc has been deleted. This array also contains the deletions due to removed nodes. If NULL is passed, the only arcs deleted are those that are incident to nodes that have been deleted.


The routine returns zero on success and nonzero if an error occurs.