
public int CPXgetchgparam(CPXCENVptr env, int * cnt_p, int * paramnum, int pspace, int * surplus_p)
Definition file: cplex.h

The routine CPXgetchgparam returns an arrary of parameter numbers (unique identifiers) for parameters which are not set at their default values.



A pointer to the CPLEX environment, as returned by CPXopenCPLEX.


A pointer to an integer to contain the number of parameter numbers (unique identifiers) returned, that is, the true length of the array paramnum.


The array to contain the numbers of the parameters with nondefault values.


An integer specifying the length of the array paramnum.


A pointer to an integer to contain the difference between pspace and the number of entries in paramnum. A nonnegative value of surplus_p specifies that the length of the arrays was sufficient. A negative value specifies that the length was insufficient and that the routine could not complete its task. In that case, the routine CPXgetchgparam returns the value CPXERR_NEGATIVE_SURPLUS, and the value of surplus_p specifies the amount of insufficiency (that is, how much more space is needed in the arrays).


The routine returns zero if successful and nonzero if an error occurs. The value CPXERR_NEGATIVE_SURPLUS specifies that insufficient space was available in the array paramnum to hold the parameter numbers (unique identifiers) with nondefault values.