Class IloCplex::ContinuousCallbackI

Definition file: ilcplex/ilocplexi.h

An instance of a class derived from IloCplex::ContinuousCallbackI represents a user-written callback in an ILOG CPLEX application that uses an instance of IloCplex with the primal simplex, dual simplex, or barrier optimizer. IloCplex calls the user-written callback after each iteration during an optimization of a problem solved at a node. This class offers methods for use within the callbacks you write. In particular, there are methods in this class to access primal and dual feasibility, number of iterations, and objective value.

The methods of this class are protected for use in deriving a user-written callback class and in implementing the main method there.

If an attempt is made to access information not available to an instance of this class, an exception is thrown.


There are special callbacks for simplex and barrier, that is, IloCplex::SimplexCallbackI and IloCplex::BarrierCallbackI, respectively. Using a continous callback sets this callback in both of these algorithms. If a special callback was already set for one of these algorithms, (for example, simplex) it is replaced by the general continuous callback.

See Also:

Constructor Summary
protected ContinuousCallbackI(IloEnv env)
Method Summary
protected IloNumgetDualInfeasibility() const
protected IloNumgetInfeasibility() const
protected IloIntgetNiterations() const
protected IloNumgetObjValue() const
protected IloBoolisDualFeasible() const
protected IloBoolisFeasible() const
Inherited Methods from OptimizationCallbackI
getModel, getNcols, getNQCs, getNrows
Inherited Methods from CallbackI
abort, duplicateCallback, getEnv, main
Constructor Detail


protected ContinuousCallbackI(IloEnv env)

This constructor creates a callback for use in an application that solves continuous models.

Method Detail


protected IloNum getDualInfeasibility() const

This method returns the current dual infeasibility measure of the solution in the instance of IloCplex at the time the invoking callback is executed.


protected IloNum getInfeasibility() const

This method returns the current primal infeasibility measure of the solution in the instance of IloCplex at the time the invoking callback is executed.


protected IloInt getNiterations() const

This method returns the number of iterations completed so far by an instance of IloCplex at the invoking callback is executed.


protected IloNum getObjValue() const

This method returns the current objective value of the solution in the instance of IloCplex at the time the invoking callback is executed.

If you need the object representing the objective itself, consider the method IloCplex::getObjective instead.


protected IloBool isDualFeasible() const

This method returns IloTrue if the current solution is dual feasible.


protected IloBool isFeasible() const

This method returns IloTrue if the current solution is primal feasible.