Class IloNumExpr

Definition file: ilconcert/iloexpression.h
The class of numeric expressions in a Concert model.

Numeric expressions in Concert Technology are represented using the class IloNumExpr.

Constructor Summary
public IloNumExpr()
public IloNumExpr(IloNumExprI * impl)
public IloNumExpr(const IloNumExprArg expr)
public IloNumExpr(const IloEnv env, IloNum=0)
public IloNumExpr(const IloNumLinExprTerm term)
public IloNumExpr(const IloIntLinExprTerm term)
public IloNumExpr(const IloExpr & expr)
Method Summary
public IloNumExprI *getImpl() const
public IloNumExpr &operator *=(IloNum val)
public IloNumExpr &operator+=(const IloNumExprArg expr)
public IloNumExpr &operator+=(IloNum val)
public IloNumExpr &operator-=(const IloNumExprArg expr)
public IloNumExpr &operator-=(IloNum val)
public IloNumExpr &operator/=(IloNum val)
Inherited Methods from IloNumExprArg
Inherited Methods from IloExtractable
asConstraint, asIntExpr, asModel, asNumExpr, asObjective, asVariable, end, getEnv, getId, getImpl, getName, getObject, isConstraint, isIntExpr, isModel, isNumExpr, isObjective, isVariable, setName, setObject
Inner Class
IloNumExpr::NonLinearExpression The class of exceptions thrown if a numeric constant of a nonlinear expression is set or queried.
Constructor Detail


public IloNumExpr()
This constructor creates an empty handle. You must initialize it before you use it.


public IloNumExpr(IloNumExprI * impl)
This constructor creates a handle object from a pointer to an implementation object.


public IloNumExpr(const IloNumExprArg expr)

This constructor creates a numeric expression using the undocumented class IloNumExprArg.


public IloNumExpr(const IloEnv env, IloNum=0)

This constructor creates a constant numeric expression with the value n that the user can modify subsequently with the operators +=, -=, ∗= in the environment specified by env. It may be used to build other expressions from variables belonging to env.


public IloNumExpr(const IloNumLinExprTerm term)

This constructor creates a numeric expression using the undocumented class IloNumLinExprTerm.


public IloNumExpr(const IloIntLinExprTerm term)

This constructor creates a numeric expression using the undocumented class IloIntLinExprTerm.


public IloNumExpr(const IloExpr & expr)

This is the copy constructor for this class.

Method Detail


public IloNumExprI * getImpl() const
This member function returns a pointer to the implementation object of the invoking handle.

operator *=

public IloNumExpr & operator *=(IloNum val)

This operator is recommended for building a Concert Technology expression in a loop. It is more efficient than x = x * ...


public IloNumExpr & operator+=(const IloNumExprArg expr)

This operator is recommended for building a Concert Technology expression in a loop. It is more efficient than x = x + ...


public IloNumExpr & operator+=(IloNum val)

This operator is recommended for building a Concert Technology expression in a loop. It is more efficient than x = x + ...


public IloNumExpr & operator-=(const IloNumExprArg expr)

This operator is recommended for building a Concert Technology expression in a loop. It is more efficient than x = x - ...


public IloNumExpr & operator-=(IloNum val)

This operator is recommended for building a Concert Technology expression in a loop. It is more efficient than x = x - ...


public IloNumExpr & operator/=(IloNum val)

This operator is recommended for building a Concert Technology expression in a loop. It is more efficient than x = x / ...