Class IloTimer

Definition file: ilconcert/iloenv.h
Represents a timer.

An instance of IloTimer represents a timer in a Concert Technology model. It works like a stop watch. The timer report the CPU time. On multi threaded environment, we summed the CPU time used by each thread.

See Also:

Constructor Summary
public IloTimer(const IloEnv env)
Method Summary
public IloEnvgetEnv() const
public IloNumgetTime() const
public voidreset()
public IloNumrestart()
public IloNumstart()
public IloNumstop()
Constructor Detail


public IloTimer(const IloEnv env)

This constructor creates a timer.

Method Detail


public IloEnv getEnv() const

This member function returns the environment in which the invoking timer was constructed.


public IloNum getTime() const

This member function returns the accumulated time, in seconds, since one of these conditions:


public void reset()

This member function sets the elapsed time of the invoking timer to 0.0. It also stops the clock.


public IloNum restart()

This member function returns the accumulated time, resets the invoking timer to 0.0, and starts the timer again. In other words, the member function restart is equivalent to the member function reset followed by start.


public IloNum start()

This member function makes the invoking timer resume accumulating time. It returns the time accumulated so far.


public IloNum stop()

This member function stops the invoking timer so that it no longer accumulates time.