Class MIPCallbackI::NodeData

Definition file: ilcplex/ilocplexi.h

Objects of (a subclass of) this class can be attached to created nodes in a branch callback with one of the IloCplex::BranchCallbackI::makeBranch methods. This allows the user to associate arbitrary data with the nodes. The destructor must be implemented to delete all such data. It will typically be called by IloCplex when a node is discarded, either because it has been processed or because it is pruned.

See Also:

Constructor and Destructor Summary
public ~NodeData()
Method Summary
public virtual IloAnygetDataType() const
Constructor and Destructor Detail


public ~NodeData()

This is the destructor. It is called by IloCplex to delete NodeData objects asociated with nodes when they are deleted. By overloading this destructor, you can include objects in your NodeData class that need special handling for deletion, other than calling the default destructor.

Method Detail


public virtual IloAny getDataType() const

IloCplex does not use this method. It is provided as a convenience for the user to help manage different types of NodeData subclasses.