ILOG CPLEX 11.0 User's Manual > Advanced Programming Techniques > Advanced Presolve Routines > Restricting Presolve Reductions > Infeasibility or Unboundedness in Presolve Reductions

Restricting the type of presolve reductions will also allow presolve to conclude more about infeasible and/or unbounded problems. Under the default setting of CPX_PARAM_REDUCE, presolve can only conclude that a problem is infeasible and/or unbounded. If CPX_PARAM_REDUCE is set to CPX_PREREDUCE_PRIMALONLY (1), presolve can conclude that a problem is primal infeasible with return status CPXERR_PRESLV_INF. If CPX_PARAM_REDUCE is set to CPX_PREREDUCE_DUALONLY (2), presolve can conclude that a problem is primal unbounded (if it is primal feasible) with return status CPXERR_PRESLV_UNBD.

The previous paragraph applies to CPXpresolve, not CPXlpopt.