ILOG CPLEX 11.0 User's Manual > Languages and APIs > ILOG CPLEX Callable Library > ILOG CPLEX Programming Practices > Problem Size and Memory Allocation Issues

As indicated in Change the Problem Object, after you have created a problem object by calling CPXcreateprob, you can modify the problem in various ways through calls to routines from the Callable Library. There is no need for you to allocate extra space in anticipation of future problem modifications. Any limit on problem size is set by system resources and the underlying implementation of the system function malloc--not by artificial limits in ILOG CPLEX.

As you modify a problem object through calls to modification routines from the Callable Library, ILOG CPLEX automatically handles memory allocations to accommodate the increasing size of the problem. In other words, you do not have to keep track of the problem size nor make corresponding memory allocations yourself as long as you are using library modification routines such as CPXaddrows or CPXaddcols.