MATLAB Functions Help Desk



Scale data and play as sound



soundsc(y,Fs) sends the signal in vector y (with sample frequency Fs) to the speaker on PC, Macintosh, and most UNIX platforms. The signal y is scaled to the range

before it is played, resulting in a sound that is played as loud as possible without clipping.

soundsc(y) plays the sound at the default sample rate or 8192 Hz.

soundsc(y,Fs,bits) plays the sound using bits bits/sample if possible. Most platforms support bits = 8 or bits = 16.

soundsc(y,...,slim) where slim = [slow shigh] maps the values in y between slow and shigh to the full sound range. The default value is
slim = [min(y) max(y)].


MATLAB supports all Windows-compatible sound devices.

See Also

auread      Read NeXT/SUN (.au) sound file

auwrite     Write NeXT/SUN (.au) sound file

sound       Convert vector into sound

wavread     Read Microsoft WAVE (.wav) sound file

wavwrite    Write Microsoft WAVE (.wav) sound file

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