Lack of Movement in the Best Node

For some models, the Best Node value in the node log changes very slowly or not at all. Runtimes for such models can sometimes be reduced by the variable selection strategy known as strong branching. Strong branching explores a set of candidate branching-variables in-depth, performing a limited number of simplex iterations to estimate the effect of branching up or down on each.

To activate strong branching :

On rare occasions, it can be helpful to modify strong branching limits. If you modify the limit on the size of the candidate list, then strong branching will explore a larger (or smaller) set of candidates. If you modify the limit on strong branching iteration, then strong branching will perform more (or fewer) simplex iterations per candidate. Table 5.9 summarizes those limits and shows the parameter names.

Table 5.9 Parameters for Limiting Strong Branching

Interactive Command 
Concert Technology Library Parameter 
Callable Library Parameter 
size of candidate list 
iterations per candidate 

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